[HMBTN] Harvest Moon Back To Nature + Cheats

Today I want to share about Harvest Moon Back To Nature. Of course we all know about this legendary game, even this game very simple, but many people love this game. And today I will share to play HMBTN in our PC

Click for Harvest Moon :
1. Download HMBTN from Here
2. Extract all files that you download to some place
3. Open folder 'Ps 1 Emulator' ==> and click ePSXe.exe
4. You just click next config to setting up the configuration
5. After that to play Harvest Moon, you just click File => Run Iso => Choose a file with extension .bin or .cue from folder 'Harvest Moon Back To Nature'

6. Happy playing!
And to if you want to cheat this game, I will give the tutorial too

Click for Cheat :
1. Download the PSX Emulation Cheater from Here
2. Extract all files that you have download
3. Open 'pec.exe' => Click 'User Database' => and tick '#Harvest Moon#SLUS-0010' => Ok => Send Cheats to Plugin

Nb: You can add more cheats from cheat list that I has included in the file

5. Now go to your Ps 1 Emulator => Config => Video => Choose psx emulation cheater 2.5
6. After that you can play Harvest moon with cheat.
7. Happy cheating

Yaap, that's all the tutorial for today, happy playing and happy cheating

Original: HMBTN Cheats for PSX