What the hell with this title?-__- I choose this title, because i don't know how to deliver my mean to you guys. But if you still confuse with this title, you may try to the demo page Here have you visited? If yes. Can you block the word there?
Yapp. You can't block anything there. So that why my title is "Anti Block" and to make our blog like this is really easy, check it out this tutorial!
Click for Tutorial :
1. Go to your Blog Home => Template => Edit HTML => Proceed
2. Find "</head>" (without quote) and copy paste a script below, after tag "</head>"
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
if (typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined") {
document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false");
document.onmousedown=new Function ("return false");
document.onmouseup=new Function ("return true");
==> And save template
Yaap, that's all for my tutorial, but remember, people doesn't like a blog that protect like that, so I don't recommend this to you. So it just to add your knowledge :)
Spoiler In Our BlogIt’s my second posts for today, and I will share about spoiler.
Normally we use spoiler not in blog, but now we can use it in our blog, and now it’s the tutorial
Click for Tutorial :
1. When you want to posts something…Read More
Fast Ways To Update Your Page RankToday I will share you the fast ways to update your page rank.
Indeed, we should never underestimate the dissemination of information with marketing SEO fast system. And in this post as an admin will try to invite my …Read More
Flying Twitter Bird On Your BlogToday I want to give a tutorial how to have a a flying twitter bird on our blog
Click for Flying Twitter Bird :
1. Login to to your blogger
2. Go to design and then Page Element
3. Click Add gadget
4. Choose HTML/…Read More
Moving Flag Of Google Translate In Our BlogSometimes when we’re visit a blog we see a flag of Google translate is moving? Actually is something easy, I will share how to make it
Click for Tutorial :
1. Login to your blog
2. Go to Design ==> Page Element ==&g…Read More
Box On Our BlogAt that time I’ve share about Spoiler In Our Blog today I will share about Box on out blog
Sometimes when we surf on internet and get in to a website, we see a text in the box like this
Click for Example :
Example wor…Read More
judulnya lucu ya sob block on blog :D'keren juga ya kang pakai cara yang ini :D sebenernya ada cara yang lebih mudah lagi sob :)
ReplyDelete@Farixsantips: Hehehe, iyaa gaan, ane lagian bingung judulnya apaan?-__- Waah, ada yang lebih mudah? Boleh tuuh di share :)
ReplyDeletepakai css saja juga bisa :) udah ane post juga
ReplyDeletebtw bannernya mana?
Aduuh, anee masih nubie siih gan, masih gak ngerti css, hehehe-__- di share ilmunya boleeh ;)
ReplyDeleteBannernya disini gan http://www.information-computer.com/2011/09/link-exchange.html
wah pantesan blog teman ane gk bisa di blog kata-kata y ternyata rahasia y ni toh.TQ y Om.
ReplyDelete@Saman: Hahaha, iyaa gan, anee jugaa nemuin niih rahasia karna penasaran jugaa, btw thx udah di visit yaa :D udah anee visit back ;) hohoho