Shollu 3.08.2

Shollu is a small, compact and easy-to-use software that will provide alerts and notifications for Islamic prayer times.

Shollu is islamic software that have main purpose to give warning, message or information to the user if prayer time is almost arrived in few minutes or is already arrived. So the user can prepare him self to get ready for pray. And myself used this program too.

And this is some key features for Shollu

Click for Key Features :

· You can change the time format between HH:mm:ss or HH:mm
· New Skin, there are about 40 nice skin
· Support many cities in the world, included about 2.341 locations major cities in teh world and also 400 indonesian cities. If you need other locations you can download separated file that cover about 200 countries with more than 5 milion places.
· Time calculation based on Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Time zone and others.
· Automatic information message before, on oand after prayer times.
· Message for Friday prayer
· Ability to show message from audio-video file for adzan ( mp3,wav,mid,midi,rmi or video like avi, mpg, asf etc, depend on your computer ).
Task Scheduler which has the following features:
· Standard message with Information, Error, Qarning and Question Icon.
· Run another program or application (type : command )
· Shutdown and Hibernate PC ( hibernate for win 2000 or Xp only)
· Frequently : daily, weekly, monthly, only once ( yearly ) and when the program start.
· Easy edit the task file ( task.dat )
· Show message with scrolling text
· Conversion Tanggal between Hijriyah and Masehi.
· Show information about prayer today times at specific duration time.
Create a prayer time table:
· Time format between HH:mm:ss or HH:mm
· Select custom date
· Select format from HTML, CSV or TSV
· Show Date in Hijriyah and Mesehi
· Customize color.
And this is some screenshot for this program

Click for Screenshot :

And if you're interesting with this program, you can download it from Here

Note: Password for the WinRAR is information-computer
Original: Softpedia

Special Symbol On Windows

Have you seen this symbol before? ==> ☺☻♥ Actually this symbol is popular enough, and we can use it easily with BB or iPhone, but how we can made this symbol using our laptop? This is I have a list of this special character

And this is for example how to use it

Press on your keyboard:

1. Alt + Numlock + 1 = ☺
2. Alt + Numlock + 2 = ☻

and so on.....

Numlock if it is on computer, isn't the normal number, but the number on the right side, and as long as I know, for the laptop, we should press Fn too, and normally this number on the keyboar alphabetic


Chess..... Maybe in our mind if we hear that word, we will think about the game, that will make us smart, maybe it's true, because why? If we want to win in this game, we must have a good trick, and we must think about our partner plan for the next move. So it must be increase our brain ability

And for whose want to play this game, you can play it on Here

Because this game is using Flash Player so you must have installed Flash player too to play this game using your browser

Original: SantaBanta

Reset Password Windows 7

When I'm at school, my junior asked me "How I can reset my Win 7 password? I forgot the password" and I said then, "Okay, just try to open my blog, I have posted it before" but after I look at my post long time ago, is just to login with 'Admin' user, not to reset.

Okay then, I will make a post for it today.... So just check it out

Click for Reset Password :
Actually this trick is a bit closer with my post about Login to Windows 7 With Admin User but when the command that we write on the command prompt is different, so this is the the way after you open command prompt

1. Write this command on Command Prompt

copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\

This command is to call 'Sticky keys' it will appear when we are press shift 5 times

2. And replace 'Sticky keys' program, with Command Prompt

copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe

3. Close Command Prompt, and restart your windows
4. After you restart it, and the login screen has appear, press shift 5 times, and Command Prompt will appear suddenly
5. Write this command on Command Prompt


Change YOURUSERACCOUNT with your user account that you want to reset and  YOURNEWPASSWORD your new password

For example 

net user ihsfwz test1234

6. Close Command Prompt and login to the user that you reset, with your new password
Good luck....

I made this post just for sharing and I'm sorry, I can't show the Screenshot, because, I don't know how to capture before we login in

c: on step 1 and 2 is the partition where you are installed your OS


Cat vs Dog

Huh. Not only on cartoon or in a real life, but cat and dog also fight at game. Yap this game is a game that show us how cat and dog always fight even in a game. We can play this game with mode 1 player or 2 player, and this is for the Screen Shot
Click for Cat vs Dog 1 :

Click for Cat vs Dog 2 :

If you're interesting with this game, you can play it from Here (Cat vs Dog 1) and click Here

Because this game is using Flash Player so you must have installed Flash player too to play this game using your browser

Note: Password for the WinRAR is information-computer